What is a Felony DWI?

Penalties For DWI In Texas
Houston DWI Lawyer


Felony DWI in Texas is a serious charge that can have a major impact on your life beyond the associated penalties and punishments for the actual charge. Felony convictions can disqualify you from voting, obtaining certain jobs, renting apartments, and owning a firearm. 

There are four intoxication related offenses that can be classified as a Felony DWI:

State jail felonies can result in a fine of up to $10,000 and confinement in a state jail for any term not more than 2 years or less than 180 days. Your driver’s license may also be suspended from 90 days to 2 years.

If you are convicted, you will be assessed an annual $1,000 to $2,000 surcharge fee each year for 3 years in order to retain your driver’s license. If you are facing a DWI felony charge, seeking legal counsel may help you understand your charges, potential consequences, and other complicated legal components of navigating your case.


Felony DWI in Texas and Required Restrictions

A conviction for Felony DWI in Texas often comes with a number of restrictions and requirements placed upon you by the court. Some of these restrictions are relevant even if you have only been charged, and not yet convicted, of a Felony DWI.

The court may require several things of you, including:

  • Installing a vehicle ignition interlock device on your car

A vehicle ignition interlock system detects the presence of alcohol in your breath. When it detects a certain amount of alcohol, it will disable your vehicle for a set duration. This is often a condition of bond, and you will not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle without it.

  • Abstaining from the use of alcohol or controlled substances without a prescription

Many courts may require that you completely avoid the use of alcohol or controlled substances, except when a prescription dictates necessary use of an otherwise controlled substance. This may be enforced through random or regular drug testing depending on the circumstances of your case.

  • Abstaining from operating a motor vehicle until the results of your case are no longer pending

In some cases, the court will order that you are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle while your case is pending. The circumstances and severity of your charges may vary, but Felony DWI charges are often accompanied by a higher number of stipulations and requirements.

What to Do When Facing a Felony DWI

If you are charged with any of these offenses, you should consider working with a particularly experienced and knowledgeable legal advocate. Houston DWI attorneys at Trichter & LeGrand have handled hundreds of Felony DWI cases, so we are well equipped to help you navigate the legal process ahead.

DWI and Felony DWI cases can be a complicated and intricate legal battle, relying on evidence and science that may not always be completely accurate or appropriate for an individual’s case, potentially leading to convictions of the wrongly accused. We understand those processes, and are prepared to help you fight for better results in your case.


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